What We’re Excited About
As we anticipate commencement in May, we’re also readying to welcome incoming students this summer. If you are hosting any summer series or pre-MBA programs, share the details with your Employer Partnership Manager and we will get the word out to incoming students immediately. And start thinking ahead to next year – May 1st we kick off the Priority Planning Period for 2023-2024 recruiting!
Hiring? Don’t Miss This!
Connect with students virtually by joining a themed EngageSOM session during 10 Days of Connections 4/17-4/28.
EngageSOM events bring together a small group of employers and Yale SOM students from a variety of degrees and graduation years interested in immediate recruiting. Create meaningful connections through panels and small group breakout sessions with all attending students. Register using the links below with a free 12twenty account using your employer email.
EngageSOM – PE/VC April 17th | 11:45am-1pm ET
EngageSOM – Sustainability April 19th | 11:45am-1pm ET
EngageSOM – TMT April 24th | 11:45am-1pm ET
EngageSOM – APAC April 18th | 8:30pm-10:00pm ET
EngageSOM – Alumni Hiring April 20th | 11:45am-1pm ET
EngageSOM – Social Impact April 27th | 11:45am-1pm ET
Register by April 17th for Recruiters Day!
Spend the day with us to expand your knowledge of Yale SOM and explore the variety of ways the Yale SOM Career Development Office can partner with you to make recruiting energizing, effective, and efficient.
Recruiters Day Agenda (TBC)
10:00-10:30am – Welcome Reception
10:30-11:10am – Building Recruiting Strategies
11:20am-12:00pm – Student Panel
12:00-1:00pm – Lunch and programming from Dr. Zoe Chance, Assistant Professor of Marketing
1:10-1:45pm – Meet the Early Career Degrees
1:45-2:15pm – Evans Hall Highlights & Recruiting Operations Team
2:15-2:30pm – Wrap Up and Thank You!
2:30pm – Closing Reception
2:45pm on… Optional Add-on: Networking with Students*
*Recruiters with active hiring needs are welcome to stay longer to connect with Yale SOM students for in-person networking.
Key Dates
April 17-28 | 10 Days of Connections
April 25 | Recruiters Day
May 1 | Priority Planning Period kickoff for Yale SOM recruiting 2023-2024
May 10-16 | Final Exams
May 22 | Class of 2023 Commencement