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Evaluate Your Offer

Evaluating an offer may be difficult and requires consideration and care. Take into consideration:

Offer Negotiation – or Not

The decision to negotiate or not is an important and strategic one. Read guidelines on negotiation basics, strategy, and frameworks for effective negotiation dialogue in the Your Negotiation Guide.

Outside Counsel

Every situation is different—we highly encourage you to schedule an appointment with a Coach to discuss your offer and unique circumstances.

If a company is pressuring you to accept before you are ready, you can also reference Yale SOM’s Recruiting Guidelines.

5 Tips for Ensuring a Job Is the Right Fit for You

When looking for a job, you need to take into consideration many factors. In addition to daily responsibilities and salary, you need to think about things like training, advancement, flexibility, benefits, and company culture. Otherwise, you might find yourself very …

By Firsthand
We help applicants, students, job-seekers and professionals like you find the right career path using the power of firsthand experiences.
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Refusing an Executive Job Offer While Maintaining Future Opportunities

Securing a job offer, especially one in an executive position, is a major accomplishment that reflects both your professional capabilities and your personal qualities.

Although the process is usually followed by enthusiastic acceptance, it may not always be the case. …

By Ivy Exec
Ivy Exec is your dedicated career development resource.
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7 Current Factors That Influence Executive Compensation for Their Roles

Executives play a role in managing employees, overseeing projects, and leading departments. These responsibilities come with an attractive compensation and salary package, which can vary based on various aspects.

If you’re eyeing an executive role, you might be curious about …

By Ivy Exec
Ivy Exec is your dedicated career development resource.
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From Figures to Value: Crafting Your Desired Salary Story

In the intricate dance of job applications, a moment often feels like a tightrope walk – the question of the desired salary. It’s a puzzle that executives and senior professionals frequently grapple with, balancing the desire for fair compensation against …

By Ivy Exec
Ivy Exec is your dedicated career development resource.
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Navigating the Maze of Job Offers: Why It Takes Time

In the world of job hunting, patience is indeed a virtue.

You’ve submitted your meticulously crafted application materials or aced that crucial interview, and now you’re eagerly awaiting the response from the hiring manager. We all wish for a swift …

By Ivy Exec
Ivy Exec is your dedicated career development resource.
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