
Professional Communication Center

Yale Centers

Asian, Asian-American and Pacific Islander Association

SOM Student Clubs

AAPIA strives to enhance the experience of Asian-American and Pacific Islander students at the Yale School of Management through the …

Association of Hispanic and Latin American Students

SOM Student Clubs

The Association of Hispanic and Latin American Students strives to enhance the experience of Latin American and Hispanic students at …


SOM Student Clubs

Connect Yale Students to culture, opportunities and networks in Europe.


SOM Student Clubs

ONE | SOM aims to create an environment that facilitates discussion and understanding of all the backgrounds and cultures here at …

Greater China Club

SOM Student Clubs

China today is a significant yet often misunderstood player in the international business and political world. In recognition of China’s …

Japan Club

SOM Student Clubs

The mission of the Yale SOM Japan Club is to
1. Connect all Yale SOM members who have an interest …

Korea Club

SOM Student Clubs

Korea Club is a professional and social organization for all students interested in Korea. The club mission is to promote …

South Asia Club

SOM Student Clubs

The South Asian Club at SOM is dedicated to expanding awareness of the business, political, cultural and social issues related …