Design thinking is a mindset and approach to hands-on creative problem solving, which anchors the designer (YOU!) in frameworks and exercises that favor reflection and action.
Design thinking is an excellent tool to employ at this beginning stage your career exploration at Yale SOM. Whether you’ve arrived with a specific goal in mind, are considering a few options, or are unsure where to start, the mindsets and process of design thinking can provide actionable steps towards exploration or a specific goal.
On Friday, September 8, we’ll be concentrating on the Empathy and Ideate phases. You articulate your values, including where they come from and how they may evolve over time, ideate alternate plans for ourselves in our career journeys, discuss our ideas with peers and amplify each other’s interests. After the session, you can discuss all your insights, interests, and ideas further with a CDO Coach in an appointment.
After the September 8 Fall Friday, there will be 3 additional design thinking sessions in the Fall and 3 in the Spring (dates TBA):
- Exploring Values & Career Foundations – Wednesday, October 25, 11:30am-1:00pm
- Gaining Clarity & Getting Unstuck – Tuesday, November 14, 11:30am-1:00pm
- Good Work Journaling & Other Tools – Friday, December 8, 11:30am-1:00pm
Student can find out more about next week’s Design Thinking Program at