Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read

After reading 300+ business books in the last 10 years.
And speaking to 100+ entrepreneurs, I’ve compiled the ultimate list.

Start your learning today:

1. “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries: Introduces a methodology for developing businesses and products efficiently.

2. “Zero to One” by Peter Thiel: Focuses on innovative thinking for starting a business.

3. “The $100 Startup” by Chris Guillebeau: Offers insights on starting and growing a micro-business with minimal capital.

4. “The E-Myth Revisited” by Michael E. Gerber: Challenges the myths surrounding starting your own business and shows how commonplace assumptions can get in the way of running a business.

5. “Rework” by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson: Presents a new reality of entrepreneurship and business model creation.

6. “The Innovator’s Dilemma” by Clayton M. Christensen: Explores the challenges of managing innovation in established companies.

7. “Good to Great” by Jim Collins: Studies how companies transition from being good companies to great companies, and how most companies fail to make the transition.

8. “The Hard Thing About Hard Things” by Ben Horowitz: Offers essential advice on building and running a startup.

9. “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill: A personal development and self-help book that discusses the power of personal beliefs and the role they play in personal success.

10. “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki: Advocates the importance of financial literacy, financial independence, and building wealth through investing.

11. “The Four Steps to the Epiphany” by Steve Blank: Introduces the concept of customer development and provides a roadmap for new ventures.

12. “The Art of the Start” by Guy Kawasaki: Offers essential tips for starting any new enterprise.

13. “Built to Last” by Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras: Focuses on the practices of companies that were able to sustain long-term success.

14. “Crossing the Chasm” by Geoffrey A. Moore: Deals with the specifics of marketing high-tech products during the early start-up period.

15. “Lean In” by Sheryl Sandberg: Discusses challenges facing women in leadership and offers practical advice for achieving career goals.

16. “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell: Examines the factors that contribute to high levels of success.

17. “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek: Explores how great leaders inspire everyone to take action.

18. “Blue Ocean Strategy” by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne: Presents a systematic approach to making the competition irrelevant.

for more on this list and it’s author, Chris Donnelly visit

By Mike Minutoli
Mike Minutoli Senior Director, Career Education and Coaching